Sunday, June 8, 2008

A wealth of knowledge... and how to keep up.

If you implement Dynamics CRM full-time like I do, you want to be sure to keep up on the latest SDK releases, sample code, tools, tips, tricks, etc. One app that makes this easier is Copernic Agent Pro.

With Copernic's web page tracking feature, you enter links for the pages you want to track, set up the tracking schedule, and it will send an e-mail to you with the pages that were updated. It even highlights the content that's new or updated.

The app's main feature is to search for web content, filter-out missing pages and those that don't contain the words (or Boolean expression) that you specify, and to highlight the search "hits".

In my next blog I'll list the 40+ blog sites and general MSCRM sites that I have Copernic tracking for me each day. Now, if only it would consolidate all blog updates into one Word doc or PDF and load it to my Amazon Kindle for my daily commute... panacea!

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